My Adventures
My Adventures 2
My Adventures 3
My Adventures part 4
My Adventures part 5
Adventure 6
My Adventure part 7
My Adventures part 8
Adventure 9
My adventures 10
Adventure 11
Adventures 12
Adventure 13
All about me!!!
Pictures of me
My evil friends
Bad Bad Me!

On September 20 I went with my mom to a Working Certificate test.  She had been wanting to get a WC title on me for a couple of years.  She tried a few years ago at the Labrador National, but I was too nervous and wouldn't go get my bird. 

So she has been working with me when I had ditched the hummer and was in town.  She drilled into me that I can trust her not to let anyone hurt me.

We worked with Dokken trainers when we didn't have real ducks.

I was doing pretty good with both the ducks and the Dokkens though since I have ADHD I get distracted a lot.  Lately I found some horse poop to roll in.

Mom has not been pleased with that little habit of mine!  Especially since the WC test was to take place in a horse pasture.  I found lots of distractions there!  They had some choice poop to roll in too.

The day of the test we arrived and mom reminded me that she would turn me into the police for the theft of the Woodie if I rolled in poop or didn't pass my tests.  Gee, what pressure!

For the first bird which was on land, (where I usually found the poop to roll in), I ran right out and got my bird and returned to mom with it.  She was so pleased and smiled and told me what a good girl I was.  I then had to wait for the other dogs to run, then I would go and do my water marks.

It finally became my turn to run my water marks and for the first bird, I went right out to the bird, grabbed it and came right back.  This is where it became interesting.

As you can see from the diagram below, on the second bird, my ADHD kicked in (brain fart) and I took the scenic route.

shanny's wc
(click on the diagram to see it full sized)

I think I made mom mad!  She was yelling at me the whole time!  I guess I made her nervous.   I became afraid a couple of times and wasn't sure where I was going.  She kept yelling at me to get that bird!  I think I heard her mutter under her breath a few times, but I can't repeat what she said!

I finally got my bird after giving her heart failure and she petted me and told me that I would be the death of her!  Well I never!!!  I just needed to liven things up.  After all my adventures in the Woodie, I just wanted to have a bit of fun.  

I passed my test which made my mom very proud.

I then slipped away to where I had hidden the Woodie and went back out on the road.