All about me!!!
Pictures of me
My Adventures
My evil friends
Bad Bad Me!

Sometimes I just can't help myself!  I admit it.  Sometimes I'm just bad.

On July 31, 2003 I attacked the phone.  Something just came over me and I couldn't stop myself.

Mom came home and saw this.  Boy was she mad!!! 

She got even madder when she couldn't find the battery and had to take me in for an x-ray. 

They didn't find the battery but did find a staple in my tummy that I had eaten earlier.

She didn't speak to me for hours.  I tried telling her that it was a telemarketer calling and I was trying to help, but she didn't buy my story.
Really momma, I just wanted you to have the door stop close to you in case you needed it!


I swear I can't get away with anything anymore.  Case in point.....

Mom heard me come through the kitchen and glanced at me as I went by.  She took one look and told me to "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE SHANNY....NOW!"  So I came and sat in front of her and she took this picture.  She said she just knew I had something in my mouth.

She pried my lips apart and found my stash!



My mom was cleaning behind the love seat and found the battery to the phone I had chewed.

I had to live that experience all over again as she gave me a dirty look and muttered under her breath.  Hey at least I didn't eat it, I just gnawed on it for a bit.


I've really been on a paper fetish lately!
I thought this might be something she needed.  Really!  I'm trying out to be mom's personal secretary.
Two days later I was at it again and didn't appreciate my sister Remy giggling in the background.


Well I really did it with this one!  Mom came home and found this and put me back in jail.  I'm in my crate now when she leaves the house with no possiblity of parole.

Really Mom, I thought it was tax season and was doing you a favor.  Honest!  I would be a good nest builder for my puppies, don't ya think?