All about me!!!
Pictures of me
My Adventures
My evil friends
Bad Bad Me!

These are some more of my friends who are just like me. 


This is Mikey.  He's a Maltese.  He may be little but he makes a big mess!


This is Dakota.  As you can see, she likes to steal bread off the counter.  She likes to show off her stash too, just like I do.


This is Remey.  In his short life, he has eaten about 8 of his mom's underwear, three have been deposited in other locations at a later time (kennel, floor, daycare). Eats his mom's pillow tassels, likes to chew bones on my white duvet cover, and has chewed up about 4 pairs of flips flops and one dress shoe to date!


This is my cousin Dakota.   He's pretty slick.  He was 6 months old and did all that damage while his "mom" slept on the other side of the bed.  I was very proud of him!


This is Maggie.  She's one of my Canadian friends.  She's a show champion and has an obedience title (CD) too, but that doesn't stop her from being bad.

She doesn't see why she should do all that heeling for nothing, neither do I, so her mom gave up on any more obedience titles.

Maggie is also a counter surfer.  Ask her about the corn cob sometime.  Its a great story!  I bet that tasted better than her mom's eyeglasses that she also ate.  I think she goes into the vet because of things she eats, more than I do and that's saying a lot.

If you look at the outfit her mom makes her wear, you'll understand why she's so bad.  Its totally humiliating!  There should be a law against that sort of thing. No wonder she steals socks! 





This is Kaylie.  She couldn't find any chapstick at her house so she swiped the toilet brush.  No, she did not clean the toilet for her owner.


This is my relative Tristan again.  He too swiped the toilet brush and refused to clean the toilet.