
"The world's most affectionate creature is a wet dog!"
Author: Ambrose Bierce

In 1996 I dialed into the web for the first time. I immediately decided I wanted my own web page. Not sure how to do it, I went about learning HTML. It wasn't easy, but with determination I designed Woodhaven Labradors which won "Homepage of the Year" in 1996.

The very next year a webpage I did for a friend was named one of the best dog sites on the web.¹

Over the years, I have been asked to help friends get started with their own web page.

Wetdogs Design provides website design services to breeders, small businesses and non-profits, such as rescues, churches and schools, who lack either the time or resources to create and maintain a web presence. Experienced with dog/Labrador sites, we'll help you create a web site that is clean and easy to navigate. We can work with you to design the best site for your needs.

A good site should be clutterfree, quick to load and easy to navigate. We keep in mind that not everyone has the latest in browsers and broadband.  Our goal is to keep the site as simple as possible for all users.

If a client does not have their own web host, Wetdogs Design will help in the location and sign up for a suitable web host.

Use our menu to navagate our site.  Please contact us if you have any questions.



Wetdogs Web Designs
All content © Laura Michaels.
Do not use without permission.

¹Dogs on the Web (On the Web Series) by Audrey Pavia, Betsy Sikora Siino